Just consider it free aeration for your lawn! Any "damage" they create is likely to be so slight that tolerance and time are all you need.

Trees: Protect dwarf or semi-dwarf fruit and nut trees by netting the entire tree for the short period when squirrel damage is most likely protect individual clusters of fruit using individual net or paper bags sold as “fruit protection bags.” For taller trees, many orchardists use sheet metal or even pie plate baffles taped to the trunk of each tree.You can’t and shouldn’t get rid of squirrels in your yard, but you can try to thwart them using these methods for common squirrel-related yard complaints: How can I get rid of squirrels in my yard? (Try kinder methods first.)Ī word of caution: “Solutions” that stick to or shock squirrels are cruel and may also harm birds. Capsaicin-covered seed, which irritates squirrels’ mouths but doesn’t affect birds, mixed with your usual seed.White proso millet seed, which mourning doves and house finches prefer.Nyjer thistle, which nourishes goldfinches and others of their kind.Safflower seed, which attracts species such as cardinals, chickadees and titmice.However, some squirrels figure out that they can just launch themselves at baffles, bounce off and eat the resulting seeds that are spilled on the ground, so you can also try offering bird seed that squirrels don’t like, such as: Hang your feeder on the wire between bottles.Puncture a hole in the bottom of three or four clean, empty 1 liter soda bottles.Attach each end of a wire to trees or posts.Here’s how to make a homemade, squirrel-deterring bird feeder: You can also suspend the feeder from a horizontal wire strung with homemade bottle baffles. When they try to push their way past the baffle, it rotates, dumping them onto the ground. If squirrels are taking more than their share, try using a feeder with an external cage that prevents squirrels and larger birds from getting at the food or a feeder with large plastic dome called a “baffle.” The squirrel tries to climb onto the feeder and encounters the baffle, which blocks their access. Where possible, a little seed for squirrels and more for the birds is a good compromise.

What should I do if there’s a squirrel loose in my house?.How can I get rid of squirrels in my yard?.How can I squirrel-proof my bird feeder?.Whether you’d like to stop squirrels from stealing your bird seed or you need to evict a squirrel from your attic, try these humane conflict solutions that won’t harm the squirrel or their young. If you've got squirrels driving you nutty (no pun intended), remember that they're only doing what's natural: looking for a meal and a safe place to sleep at night. Squirrels are fascinating to watch, photograph and study, and unlike most wildlife, they aren’t shy! But their adaptable nature means they’re adept at finding the easiest, best sources of food and shelter, even if that food is your bird feeder and that shelter is your attic. There are more than 200 squirrel species, but you’ve most likely only seen the most common in North America: Grey and black squirrels.